语言:英语 类别:教程
Lynda.com 出品的时长4小时的夜景和弱光摄影基础视频教程。Ben Long介绍了在夜间或在低光照条件下,如夕阳或烛光,数码单反相机拍摄所涉及的工具,并特别考虑创造性的选择。当然解决暴光的决定,如选择光圈和快门速 度,以及它们如何影响景深和相机的能力等。
Ben Long还演示了如何获得钨丝灯和荧光灯照明的情况下准确的色彩平衡,以及如何在Photoshop中后处理的图像,删除更高的ISO设置所造成的噪点。他还演示了配件,可以大大拓展你的低光摄影选项。
Topics include:
Understanding how low light affects exposure, shutter speed, color temperature, and more
Preparing for a low-light shoot
Shooting in dimly lit rooms
Using the flash indoors
Shooting in the shade
Taking flash portraits at night
Controlling flash color temperature
Focusing in low light
Light painting
Manipulating long shutter speeds
Correcting white balance
Brightening shadows
Sharpening and noise reduction
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