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正文概述    2024-05-27 06:48:45   6


《Vray 完全指导手册(第二版)》DVD+PDF

【介绍】: VRay: THE COMPLETE GUIDE is the first book in the world completely devoted to VRay. Its aim is to provide an avanced support for the specialists in this branch. All too often we lose a lot of time searching the meaning of a particular parameter. Who hasn’t spent entire days trying to understand what was wrong with their rendering? Having some “presets” is not enough: it is necessary to understand and have knowledge of the tools daily used. This is the only way thanks to which you’ll be able to face more and more difficult tasks.VRay: THE COMPLETE GUIDE was born thanks to two year’s hard work, during which we tried to produce a high-quality handbook committed to VRay’s users. Not just a basic list of commands, but a special tool, composed by technical and theorical parts, by which you’ll be carried away! You’ll be able to find, through 1000 pages, 2300 images and 3200 renderings expressly created for this handbook. Enclosed you’ll also find a DVD-ROM containing 32 animations in .mov format, bearing examples otherwise impossible to understand via images only. It’s an unrepeatable handbook, difficult to find elsewhere:

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