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正文概述    2024-05-03 05:55:51   6


Lynda.com最新推出的Photoshop CS6系列视频教程之摄影师篇,教程难度:初学者。由Chris Orwig主讲,由浅入深,针对摄影师经常用到的功能做详细的讲解,教程长达12小时20分。
In Photoshop CS6 for Photographers, author, photographer, and teacher Chris Orwig explores Photoshop from the perspective of the photographer.
The course details the features and techniques behind enhancing and retouching photos, preparing them for print and online publishing, and much more. Chris demonstrates how to make basic edits in Camera Raw, develop and save color profiles, work with layers and selections, tone and sharpen, and retouch images while retaining their natural character.
Chris also shares some creative tips and project ideas, such as converting a photo to black-and-white and enhancing a portrait with hand-painted masks. The course also covers workflow details, such as organizing images in Bridge and Mini Bridge, optimizing Photoshop preferences, and calibrating your monitor.
Topics include:
Getting started with Bridge and Mini Bridge
Setting up color and performance preferences
Calibrating your monitor
Improving images with the basic controls in Camera Raw
Creating, aligning, and organizing layers
Using masks for removing or blending images and for sharpening
Working with vibrancy, hue, and saturation controls
Enhancing color and tone with Levels
Using Curves and masks to enhance brightness, color, and tone
Mastering the art of blending modes
Correcting and replacing color
Burning and dodging
Converting to black and white

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